The Standard for Ethereum Node Operator Security    ·  

Announcing the Node Operator Risk Standard (NORS) Certification for Ethereum

Developed by a working group of leading entities, NORS is the world's first formal certification to attest to staking risk management.

Announcing the Node Operator Risk Standard (NORS) Certification for Ethereum

A collaborative working group of leading entities is proud to announce the launch of the Node Operator Risk Standard (NORS) certification, a first-of-its-kind certification built specifically for Ethereum node operator risk management. Developed by an expert working group under Alluvial's facilitation, alongside diverse collaborators including Aon, Blockdaemon, Chainproof, Coinbase, DV Labs, Eigen Labs, Figment, Galaxy, Liquid Collective, Nexus Mutual, Staked, and other leading experts, NORS sets a new benchmark for operational security and risk management in the Ethereum ecosystem.

The NORS certification represents rigorous, enterprise-grade standards and controls that cover critical aspects of node operation, including slashing prevention, validator diversity, responsible private key management, and overall operational security. With attestation reporting from Qualified Assessors at leading traditional accounting firms, institutions will be able to rely on NORS when conducting diligence on ETH staking operations. NORS meets the needs of big-four accounting firms and traditional institutional certifications, following the AICPA audit standards followed by SOC1 and other widely adopted diligence standards.

Why NORS matters

The launch of NORS marks a significant advancement in the professionalization of the Ethereum staking ecosystem. By providing a clear, objective, and measurable standard for ETH node operators, NORS promotes transparency and best practices across the ecosystem.

"NORS represents a pivotal development for the cryptoasset industry. At a time when large, sophisticated financial institutions are getting seriously involved in public blockchain networks, building security standards that align with institutional expectations is critical for making it easier to onboard and adopt this technology. By setting a robust, verifiable framework for validator risk management, alongside the formal AICPA attestation process familiar from SOC1 and other security standards, institutions will finally be able to evaluate the quality of staking infrastructure on a level playing field.”

— Evan Weiss, COO at Alluvial

Achieving NORS certification is a testament to a node operator's commitment to responsible validator management and best practices, providing a competitive edge to differentiate as a provider. It simplifies due diligence for stakers and service providers, showing that certified operators adhere to the highest standards. This transparency is crucial for building trust and fostering broader participation in Ethereum staking.

The NORS audit controls are accessible and open under a Creative Commons Attribution license, promoting transparency and understanding of the certification criteria. Node operators can achieve NORS certification to demonstrate their adherence to these best practices by receiving a custom attestation report from any Qualified NORS Assessor, who represent certified auditors with industry expertise at firms specializing in assurance engagements and auditing business process controls. This aims to enhance trust in ETH staking while also encouraging widespread adoption of best practices in Ethereum node operation.

For more information about the Node Operator Risk Standard (NORS) certification and how to get involved, visit